Fulham Transfer Rumour Round-Up: Summer 2022, Edition 6
Cam’s back with yet more transfer whispers to sink your teeth into - who’ll be next to join the Whites?
Fulhamish's West London wordsmith who always has his ear to the ground.
Cam’s back with yet more transfer whispers to sink your teeth into - who’ll be next to join the Whites?
In our latest round-up, Cam gathers all that’s arisen in the previous week or so to get us all up to speed - for now, at least.
In our fourth round-up of the window, Cam has a fresh batch of tabloid hearsay to sample and savour.
We’ve trawled the timeline to bring you the latest in Fulham’s transfer developments. Cam, as ever, has you covered.
With more transfer mutterings and murmurs to explore than you can shake a clapper at, Cam's back to walk and talk you through them, one by one.
Cam's back to take you through all the whispers and rumours that matter - strap in.
Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a blast and a genuine pleasure. In our closing positives and negatives edition of a riveting 2021/22 schedule, Cam tries to mask over a heavy defeat on a day of mixed emotions in Sheffield.
That's it, mission accomplished. In our penultimate game of the season, Fulham do the business and a delightfully hung-over Cam has pieced it all together. Does the fun ever stop!?
Stumbling towards the title, is it a cause for concern? Slowly but surely, we'll get there. A self-explanatory loss, elaborated by Cam. We move, one game at a time.